Showing posts with label Aughnanure castle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aughnanure castle. Show all posts

Monday, February 10, 2014

AUGHNANURE CASTLE one lovely summer day

Every year at the end of August there is an open day at Aughnanure castle.

This is a fantastic event for grown ups and children alike and the locals keep coming here the same as the tourists every year - just for the fun of it. There is music, crafts displayed and lots of little children running happily around with painted faces. 

A fabulous way to spent a couple of hours relaxing and enjoying the beautiful grounds. 

Start from the car park, then slowly ramble along the river feasting your eyes on the wonderful and rich summer green. Go across the bridge and through the thick entrance gates and here you are!! it is a beautiful welcome with colourful flags flapping in the breeze. 

Follow me and you shall see!!  

the entrance of the castlethe front view of AUGHNANURE CASTLE, Oughterard, Co Galway, Ireland
Click on images to view as slideshow
AUGHNANURE CASTLE, Oughterard, Co Galway, Ireland collage

 front image of AUGHNANURE CASTLE, Oughterard, Co Galway, Ireland

collage of AUGHNANURE CASTLE, Oughterard, Co Galway, Ireland

Even the rain can't spoil the mood!!
image of AUGHNANURE CASTLE, Oughterard, Co Galway, Ireland image of AUGHNANURE CASTLE, Oughterard, Co Galway, Ireland

mixture of images from AUGHNANURE CASTLE, Oughterard, Co Galway, Ireland

Welcome inside!!
images from inside looking out towards the light

image of a photo board

collage with images of stairs and fireplaces and windows in AUGHNANURE CASTLE, Oughterard, Co Galway, Ireland

There are flower decorations at the windows
flowers decorating a window in AUGHNANURE CASTLE, Oughterard, Co Galway, Ireland

looking out from one of the windows in AUGHNANURE CASTLE, Oughterard, Co Galway, Ireland

Kids are running everywhere!!
kids playing in the castle grounds

kids playing in the castle grounds

Interesting view!!
collage of images from AUGHNANURE CASTLE, Oughterard, Co Galway, Ireland

looking out from AUGHNANURE CASTLE, Oughterard, Co Galway, Ireland

looking out from one of the openings in the castle

The Irish green is unforgettable!!

random images from the river and the trees around the castle

ferns in water

flags decorating the gate of the castle

a person leaving through the gate of the castle

Good bye! Until the next time!! 
looking out through the gate on the way out say good buy to the castle

Thank you for joining me!!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Aughnanure castle, a trip to the past

Today I have prepared a little trip to the past. A visit to Aughnanure castle in Oughterard. The images are taken with a film camera, the negatives were scanned and treated. Some scratches are present and a bit of graininess but I believe it adds to the charm of the place since the photos are old the castle even older.

Visiting Aughnanure castle is a fabulous day out. There is a lot of old charm, the grounds are very well taken care of and the whole place is in incredible state of repair. The feeling while strolling on the thick green grass and looking at the ancient buildings (originating from the 12th century) is like a trip to the past. The main building is straddling a little river called Drimneen, and is literally build on top of it. The river has cut  intriguing caverns into the stone base under the castle. There is saying that once there was a secret trap door where unwelcome guests could be dropped into the deep waters flowing below the courtyard.

Nowadays, tourist can visit the main building and crawl up the winding stone steps. The views from the top windows is breathtaking.
The images in this post are treated for fun, in the future I will add some images from here because Aughnanure castle can not be described with only a few words and a handful of images. Enjoy the trip to the past.


thanks for the visit everyone!

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