Showing posts with label storm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label storm. Show all posts

Thursday, June 14, 2018

After Storm Hector

I wonder what's going on this year?!
We were having it so good the last few weeks and then overnight, 
sudden and abrupt end to our gorgeous premature summer.  

We had quite and eventful winter, a good selection of hurricanes, frozen pipes, no water and so on..  
Yesterday was lovely and sunny today trampolines are flying away from gardens, 
trees are blocking roads, garden furniture is spread all over the villages.

I normally wake up quite early to go to work and today it was quite eventful on the way there. 
To be honest I had no idea all this racket during the night was called Hector, he sure kept me awake most of the time,
it felt as if everything in the garden was attempting to lift off. 

Being out in a storm is quite an amazing feeling. The way the trees move, the leaves madly flattering in all directions at once,
the way the air howls in the wires along the spooky and unnerving. 

I just feel sad about the fallen and broken trees. Because I love trees. 

  I took a few shots, a few videos and couple of fallen trees blocking the road. 
This is how it was after Storm Hector

pine tree fallen across a road

pine tree, fallen across a road

pine tree fallen across a road

pine tree fallen across a road

fallen pine tree across a road


As if a giant just rolled all over the forest 
forest debris on the road after the storm

I hope someone takes care of this poor little tree

poor fallen tree on the side of the road

a branch swinging across the road

Do you remember the big rains a few years ago? I went to the waterfall in Oughterard and took photos and a videos of the huge river jumping OVER the bridge 

Here is my full album of images I took that MORNING

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Storm Desmond, Galway, Ireland

While storm Desmond rages outside, I can not miss this opportunity to post my photos from today's walk to the waterfall in Oughterard. 

Needless to say I did not meet anyone on the way there except a couple of horses having lunch. The road was flooded heavily under the railroad bridge, the water reached almost up to my knees!!

images from Oughterard during the Storm Desmond

The RED WEATHER ALERT is still on, all roads in the area are flooded, rivers are running crazy, people's gardens have disappeared....

flooded road under the railroad bridge in Oughterardflooded road under the railroad bridge in Oughterard

I HOPE YOU ARE WARM AND SNUG AND DRY TONIGHT while reading this post. 

Unfortunately I did not have my camera in my disposal so I had to use my phone. The images are a bit dodgy for my standard but sorry people this is all I have. Here they are: 

Images from the waterfall in Oughterard during Storm Desmond December 2015

Oughterard waterfall, storm Desmond

Oughterard waterfall, storm Desmond

Oughterard waterfall, storm Desmond

Oughterard waterfall, storm Desmond

He is still here behind the spray!! Taking photos 
Oughterard waterfall, storm Desmond

Oughterard waterfall, storm Desmond

Oughterard waterfall, storm Desmond

Oughterard waterfall, storm Desmond

Storm Desmond, Oughterard waterdallOughterard waterfall, storm Desmond

We photographers are a bold and crazy breed ;-)

Oughterard waterfall, storm desmond Oughterard waterfall, storm desmond

waterfall, storm desmond


thanks for being here ;)

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Everyone knows we had the best summer in hundreds of years  And guess what? I didn't make it to the beach, ANY BEACH, all summer. ...