Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Exploring Galway - colours and unexpected art

crown at a pub, colourful place
When I first arrived in Galway so many years ago I was totally amazed how alive, busy and absolutely intoxicating Galway city was.

Shop street was so busy we could hardly find our way through the crowd. The pretty little shops, the pubs and restaurants everything was packed to the brim with tourists, visitors and locals alike laughing, talking very loud, shopping and basically having fun. Believe me it is impressive if you are not used to seeing such a busy city life.

Then the bad years of the recession came and the city changed. It was suddenly so empty and so quiet it was sad to look at. Luckily that image of Galway is already forgotten except from those who were really affected and lost a lot during those years.

Today, walking these same streets, I can see that image is absolutely gone and forgotten. Galway is back to its true self - wild, full of life and bustling with opportunities and hope.
Exploring the streets of Galway is a real pleasure - enjoying all the colours, the life and excitement all around me I feel better already.

So get out and explore, you might find something you are looking for...  

people walking shop street, Galway
Walking Shop Street

Blake's bar, Galwaya

shop window

McSwiggan's Galway

note saying: made in Galway at the market  hat stand at the market

shopping at the market
Rambling through Galway Market 

shopping for art at the market
Plenty of art to choose from 

clothes and sheep bags at the market

sheep bags at the market
Visiting Ireland? You got to get a sheep in some form and shape to bring home!!

  display of sheep figurines

My friend from A piece of Ireland showing that the cute little sheep are not her only important work

sheep figurines

Cycling is the better way to move around!!

bicycle on the street

Ed Sheeran's face on a wall in Galway
You can't go to Galway and not hear Ed's name or see his face somewhere

Ed Sheeran's face on a wall
The Loft

building by the river, Il Vicollo
Il Vicolo along the river

yellow building
Galway Arms Inn

Dela restaurant  Aniar restaurant
Dela Restaurant    and   Aniar Restaurant      

random wall with a drawing on it
I just love all the colours and unexpected art you can find in Galway

decorated and painted voltage box

beautiful drawings on a wall

pretty building

man playing the whistle, drawing on a wall

blue house

pretty street art on a house

kashmir restaurantgalway

green door with decoration

view of galway
Gourmet Tart Co.

view of Galway

   Lovely view of Galwayview from Galway  

colourful view of Galway

view from Galway

End of shop street at Spanish arch

Burgerstory restaurant   claddagh jewellery

                      Burger strory                     Claddagh Jewellery           

Kumar's Taste of Asia

colourful Cupan Tae
Cupan Tae

shop street Galway

shop street, Galway
McDonagh's seafood

bright red building

couple looking at flowers  flower shop  

flower shop, Galway
Yes Flowers
flower shop, trees, Galway
Yes Flowers

purple building
Tigh Nora - Galway's most popular gin bar

flags, banners and crowds
Shop Street

white and red building, Galway
Sleepzone hostel Galway

Did you have a look at my other Galway post?  

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Exploring Galway's WestEnd

Galway's westend

It is amazing how living 10 minutes out of Galway still I hardly find the time to just go there and enjoy the city. 

Just to walk around, sit down and have a coffee somewhere, go for a bite....Not just do this, do that and all very fast...fast ...fast... always trying to beat the traffic, never just there to enjoy.

Well,  we managed to finally get a break from everything and went to Galway for a few hours and just walked and walked and walked all over the city simply to find out what's new to see what has changed over the past months and years (yes, it has been that long!!)   

a street in Galway

I have to say we had a fabulous time and I took tonnes of photos and I was happy at last. Don't take me wrong, I love living in the middle of nowhere, I love nature and the elements and being able to feel them all the time but I was born a city girl and more often than not I do miss the feel of it, the buzz, the myriad of colours and constant flow of people never pausing, never resting always in a hurry... 

We started quite early in the day and the city was just waking up. Shop street was still almost empty, businesses were getting ready for the day, the market was just setting up.  

John Keoughs the lock keeper
John Keoughs


Oscars restaurant

Once out of the market we decided to dive into Galway's Westend where so many of the big restaurant names are. One of the reasons is we wanted to check what they offer how they look like, what is new and exciting on the menu. My partner is a true French born and trained restaurateur, this business is in his blood, that is what he is meant to do, he basically grew up in a restaurant and this has always been our game. He can walk into a place and in a few minutes he can tell you what is wrong and what can be improved, what mistakes are being made. Mind you, you don't always want to hear critique about a place when you are out to have fun but when it comes naturally how can you stop it? He never tells me to stop taking photos so I don't say anything either....  
The Face
The Face

I was amazed how most of the restaurants were side by side, door to door. And they were so many!! Summer evenings must be magical in this area, there were lights hanging overhead, flags flattering in the breeze...

The Blue note next to Secret Garden
The Blue Note

The moment I saw the name THE SECRET GARDEN I knew where we are having our coffees. My daughter has often spoken with great enthusiasm about this place and I just had to visit. I am a coffee lover and I grade places by their coffees, if I am not happy with the coffee most likely I wont be back. I have to admit we had the most delightful cappuccinos here and we drank them in the secret garden at the back it was really lovely. I was also impressed by the amount of teas they had available. Absolutely amazing!! They had made real effort to  make this place cosy, charming and unique and they have certainly succeeded. Loved it. 

Secret Garden outside   Secret Garden entrance

secret garden image

Secret garden collage

The secret garden collage

After our little pitch stop we walked Sea road to see the rest of the places and for me to take more shots. This is definitely a wonderful area to visit. Day or night. 

I love Galway's Westend and I must get back here in the evening to really feel the excitement and that spell that makes people come back to Galway over and over again.

walking on sea road Galway   walking on Sea road, Galway

flower shop

Mona Lisa restaurant building  Mona lIsa restaurant building

Mona Lisa reataurant
Mona Lisa 

Earnies shop and grocery sotre

fascination collection of tins and cans on a grocery shop window

kai restaurant, Galway
Kai Restaurant 

Kai restaurant, Galway

Galways West end Map on a wall
Galway's West End
The rest of my images from Galway's West end will follow next week. Cheerio.
Why not have a walk along Spanish Arch?


Saturday, July 14, 2018

My Deepest Secret

Let me start with that. I walk a lot. About 10 km every day. I go to places at very early times of the day when there is no one around. Sometimes I see things that I am positive no one else does. I know that because I am the only one there every day, There is never anyone around to see what I see!

I have this gift, I can freeze a moment or a scene in my mind, as if I am looking at a photo already made before it is taken, I can see it the way it will be. I only have to press the shutter and voila.
That moment is captured in the camera forever. Well, sometimes it doesn't work out as it should have simply due to technical difficulties or my equipment limitations but most of the time I get what I want.

Doing this is what excites my mind the most, this is what photography is for me: capturing reality, catching the best light and the best colours to make the perfect moment in time and projecting it on paper or on the screens of your computers and phones. Simply Beautiful!!

Being able to share moments that others are not able to see this is what I love to do. I want to show you or remind you of all those amazing fleeting moments that sometimes disappear in a matter of seconds but are so amazingly stunning they deserve to be seen. Most of the time life just drifts us along and we have no time to look around so I want to remind everyone about the simple everyday things that I find around the corner or along the road, just out in the village or out in the woods next door. I never travel far. All my photography is local from the Galway area, this is why I call my latest project Connemara Stories.

My eyes are always distracted by fantastic scenes when I walk and if I am in a hurry believe me it is very difficult to get to my destination on time.

Let's say I get distracted easily.

Like from a bunch of cows for example (it's not my fault they even came to see me!!!) or an amazing Connemara pony just standing there looking at me peacefully and being so extraordinarily photogenic or simply a perfectly composed landscape that has to be taken because it sings to my soul and I just have to pause and take that shot!!

And well that's it really. I simply need to take photos to keep my mind clear and free, to have my soul happy and I need to be able to create something or I will slowly wither and die inside bit by bit..

In the meantime I really wish to spread the word, I wish to reveal the magnificence of the lands that people travel across oceans to visit, unveil the secrets of the wonderful villages, woods and hidden lanes and hope more new photographs will find their place into my Connemara Stories.  

Connemara pony grazing in the grass
Connemara pony grazing in the grasss

Connemara National park sign in the mountains clouds in the back
Entrance to Connemara National Park from direction of Recess

Connemara National park landscape, mountains in the clouds

curious cows

My Deepest Secret by Annie Japaud

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Everyone knows we had the best summer in hundreds of years  And guess what? I didn't make it to the beach, ANY BEACH, all summer. ...